Dear Lavender, This is actually a copy of msg I left here before. Hopefully you can have a closer look at these comments given to the new set:-
1. the opening of the general time slots, how come you guys didn't change them all? 2. the animation of name cards and info bars, can you guys really give a try to make it more animated? (just like the cnn ones, they all bounce back and forth, e.g the biggest losers caption u had on the other post) I reckon you guys can try and adopt that in cooperation with the new set; 3. the ending weather forecast, can you guys also try to change them as well? 4. last but not the least, the logo of the channel, its really time to change back to the old font, as they just look better.. Nevertheless, it's really a nice try, and we do see you guys have invested so much on this big rejuvenation!
昨天有幸聽到你在 careers expo 的分享,有些得著,我會努力裝備自己,將來成為一個負責任的新聞工作者!
樓上這位 Leo 兄亦不必太失意,今次金融海嘯真的衝散不小人的大志,我都係中年失業,重要供緊樓,要俾錢屋企.... 但我都係仍然對人生充滿希望的!!
好多老闆或HR一見到求職者年近40或以上, 就算人地肯屈訧, 都唔會俾機會
培訓阿..唔係陪訓阿. @_@
唉, 真慘..比d 信心d 新人啦, 手下, 口下留情
Dear Lavender,
This is actually a copy of msg I left here before. Hopefully you can have a closer look at these comments given to the new set:-
1. the opening of the general time slots, how come you guys didn't change them all?
2. the animation of name cards and info bars, can you guys really give a try to make it more animated? (just like the cnn ones, they all bounce back and forth, e.g the biggest losers caption u had on the other post) I reckon you guys can try and adopt that in cooperation with the new set;
3. the ending weather forecast, can you guys also try to change them as well?
4. last but not the least, the logo of the channel, its really time to change back to the old font, as they just look better..
Nevertheless, it's really a nice try, and we do see you guys have invested so much on this big rejuvenation!
Best Regards,
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