Thursday, February 17, 2011


又去了一趟香港醫學博物館。走在愛德華式建築的大窗下、地磗上 ,一直以為從前是大戶人家的住宅,想不到這華麗小樓,原來是香港第一家細菌學檢驗所,成立於1906年。





1 comment:

wing said...

In March 1896, the Hong Kong government issued an order of banishment against Sun Yat-sen (aka Sun Yat-sin). The order was issued in the name of the Executive Council, prohibiting Sun from ‘residing or being’ in Hong Kong for a period of 5 years for the reason that, in the opinion of the Governor in Council, Sun was dangerous to the peace and good order of the Colony. This order was signed by the Acting Clerk of Council dated 4th March, 1896. (Executive Council Ref.: C.O.D. No. 5 of 1896)