So tonight, let us ask ourselves if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?
The US has been bleeding 10 billion dollars per month in Iraq, it is on the precipice of an economic depression, public high school drop-out rate in the country nears 30%, its health care system is corrupt - do these brilliant pundits/ 專家 actually expect fool-proof solutions to these complex political and social problems to be conscientiously laid out in 20 minutes under those circumstances? That victory speech was constructed meticulously. It was for his fellow Ivy League alumni, new immigrants working 3 jobs every day, non-white Americans who confront racial discrimination at work, whose grandparents fought in the Civil Rights Movement and whose ancestors were slaves. It was for fanatical Republicans who crucified him as "Obama Osama", allies and foes around the world and people like you and I. Simply put, I disagree with those who criticized the speech as 內容卻空泛. Criticisms as such expose the inanity of the critics. And, please, do give us a sample of what would make a better, more substantial speech.
"專家"... hahaha
Dear Lavender,
We've all Talked the Talk, so now it's time to Walk the Walk!
我英文不佳, 不能完完全全聽懂他的內容, 但看新聞直播時, 也感動得落淚!
So tonight, let us ask ourselves if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?
The US has been bleeding 10 billion dollars per month in Iraq, it is on the precipice of an economic depression, public high school drop-out rate in the country nears 30%, its health care system is corrupt - do these brilliant pundits/ 專家 actually expect fool-proof solutions to these complex political and social problems to be conscientiously laid out in 20 minutes under those circumstances? That victory speech was constructed meticulously. It was for his fellow Ivy League alumni, new immigrants working 3 jobs every day, non-white Americans who confront racial discrimination at work, whose grandparents fought in the Civil Rights Movement and whose ancestors were slaves. It was for fanatical Republicans who crucified him as "Obama Osama", allies and foes around the world and people like you and I. Simply put, I disagree with those who criticized the speech as 內容卻空泛. Criticisms as such expose the inanity of the critics. And, please, do give us a sample of what would make a better, more substantial speech.
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